I’m so psyched that the food giants over at Serious Eats liked my new cookbook, Slushed! So awesome. Check out their awesome review here.
Washington Post Easter Feature
My Peep Topiary strikes again. I tell ya, people love this thing. The Washington Post featured my festive Easter table centerpiece in their article Peeps: Eat them, craft them…kill them? Many thanks, guys!
Food Therapy with The Hungry Mouse
Many thanks to local love WBUR for featuring my New England Harvest Turnover. You guys couldn’t be sweeter! They said, “Some recipes just pop out at you. Perfect! Whoot! Fits the bill. We think this is one of them. Salem-based The
I got a book deal!
I’m very excited to announce that I just signed the contract for my first book deal! (Can you see me glowing from there?) Here’s the scoop. The working title is Slushed: From Frozen Gin Fizz to Watermelon Margarita Sorbet—150 Icy Treats
Featured in The Northshore Magazine Daily
Big thanks to The Northshore Magazine Daily, which featured my recipe for homemade ketchup today at the top of their homepage. I always appreciate local love!